下記2008年2月14日に日本で発売された「少女マンガパワー!巡回展示会」図録の中に収められた私の原稿の中より「あとがき」部分の抜粋。夏目房之介さんに「あの最後の部分は名文です。感動しました。」と、ほめていただいた(^_^)。たぶんこれからもいろいろ文を書き続けることになると思うけど、こういう風に夏目さんにほめていただくのは、たぶんこれが最初で最後のことだと思うので、記念にここに載せてみます。(*全文はPDF版でここからリンク。Please click here to get the full article (PDF)!「あの部分 ^_^!」以外に興味のある方は、クリックしてみてください。)
少女マンガ!ガールズパワー!: 北米 巡回少女マンガ展示会を終えて
(A North America Touring Exhibition of Girl’s Power! Shojo Manga!:
Its Contribution & Influence to Visual Pop-Cultural Society)
あとがき(日本巡回に向けて): Toward to the Japan Tour in 2008
For me who grew up in Amami Ohshima (island) far from the main land, Japan, Tokyo was an ideal metropolitan. And America and Europe were far way from the reality in my dream. In those days, the distance between Tokyo and Amami was mentally and psychologically farther than that of Japan and the US (e.g. Tokyo and San Francisco). In my childhood, a monthly manga was only media to get the updated information that was shipped to bookstores in Amami from the Mainland Japan. For example, during a long day sometime in summer, I was sitting on white coral beach, looking at a boat in the ocean, and I was dreaming my future with the story of shojo manga. I was one of a dreamy girls as other girls were. For me, it might be the story of shojo manga itself that encouraged and pushed me to go beyond the dreamy line to come to the US.
Just a manga, however, it is manga. Although my shojo period was far passed away, the shojo manga brings me back to me to the dreaming period when I was a child. I don’t remember the face of my first’s love anymore, but I still remember my own sentimental feeling how I felt for him as it is almost just yesterday. I used to read the story in shojo manga by overlapping my own things. Now I can read the story to cherish my own sweat and bitter memory how I was when I was a girl in those days. Yes, manga is a very delicious media that can repeat to read the same story as a visual novel more than one time depending on the readers’ ages.