The Way of Asia:
Tradition and Innovation in Art and Culture
*A series of events celebrating contemporary and traditional Asian art and culture.
Tradition and Innovation in Art and Culture
*A series of events celebrating contemporary and traditional Asian art and culture.
巡 回展示会「4コママンガアート:僕らの世界で何が起こっているか?」の期間(10/14−11/20/2008)、カリフォルニア州立大学チコ校では、ゲストスピーカーの講演の他、いくつか の日本 文化関連イベントを開催いたします。題して「芸術と文化における伝統と革新」。オリジナルの日本文化が米国において、どのようなフュージョン(融合)が起 き、そこに新たなる文化ができるのか、、、の一例です(^_^)!
Manga Power! The World Through a Child’s Eyes
October 14 – November 20, 2008
Humanities Center, CSU, Chico
World premier of an international art education exhibit featuring comic book art as a communicative tool for children to discuss the issues and problems facing our world. Children and comic book artists from Japan, North America and South America will display “manga” frames to visually express their feelings, and bridge social gaps that surround issues such as age, gender, economy, politics, and religion.
先に公募展お知らせで紹介した作品の展示会。こどもたちの視点で見た世界はどのように映っているのでしょう。それを4コママンガのスタイルで表現してもらいました。 少女マンガ展示会同様、今回も国際交流基金ロスアンジェルスの助成金を元に開催可能に。そして日本のサクラクレパスのご協力で景品を出せることにもなりました。ご協力に感謝。
Opening Artist’s Lecture I (and Reception)
by Dr. Michael Bitz Ed. D
Founder and Director, Comic Book Project
October 16, 2008
5-8 pm (Lecture from 5-6 pm.)
Humanities Center
Dr. Michael Bitz is a faculty member of Teachers College, Columbia University. An internationally recognized innovator in education, Dr. Bitz has worked to establish creativity at the core of academic learning. In 2001, Dr. Bitz founded The Comic Book Project, an art-based literacy initiative. The Comic Book Project has partnered with hundreds of schools and youth development organizations across the United States to develop practical, tangible solutions to tough educational problems.
Dr. Bitz and The Comic Book Project have been featured by The Washington Post, National Public Radio, USA Today, and many other media.
October 14 – November 20, 2008
Humanities Center, CSU, Chico
World premier of an international art education exhibit featuring comic book art as a communicative tool for children to discuss the issues and problems facing our world. Children and comic book artists from Japan, North America and South America will display “manga” frames to visually express their feelings, and bridge social gaps that surround issues such as age, gender, economy, politics, and religion.
先に公募展お知らせで紹介した作品の展示会。こどもたちの視点で見た世界はどのように映っているのでしょう。それを4コママンガのスタイルで表現してもらいました。 少女マンガ展示会同様、今回も国際交流基金ロスアンジェルスの助成金を元に開催可能に。そして日本のサクラクレパスのご協力で景品を出せることにもなりました。ご協力に感謝。

by Dr. Michael Bitz Ed. D
Founder and Director, Comic Book Project
October 16, 2008
5-8 pm (Lecture from 5-6 pm.)
Humanities Center
Dr. Michael Bitz is a faculty member of Teachers College, Columbia University. An internationally recognized innovator in education, Dr. Bitz has worked to establish creativity at the core of academic learning. In 2001, Dr. Bitz founded The Comic Book Project, an art-based literacy initiative. The Comic Book Project has partnered with hundreds of schools and youth development organizations across the United States to develop practical, tangible solutions to tough educational problems.
Dr. Bitz and The Comic Book Project have been featured by The Washington Post, National Public Radio, USA Today, and many other media.
Far East Fusion! Art of Food and Fashion I
(Wagashi & Tea Ceremony & Kimono Auction)
Friday, October 17, 2008
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Humanities Center
Advance tickets: $10 / Students $5
Part one of a two-part event will include formal kimono & tea ceremony. Fine Japanese traditional kimono & accessories will also be auctioned, all as a benefit for Japan Chico Women’s Club and Art Education at Chico State.
私の展示会開催時のポリシーは関連イベントの充実。実は展示会そのものとは直接関係ないのですが、日本の大衆文化(食&着)とアメリカのフュージョン(融合)という名目で盛りだくさん。まず第一弾、お茶会と着物のオークションを開催。米国でお茶会というと、典型的な日本紹介パターン「またか〜」と思われる人も多いでしょうが。ちっちっちっ、これは少し違います(^_^)! 大学学部同士のコラボの形で、お茶碗は美術教育、お茶菓子は食品栄養学の学生とJapan Chico Women' Club (JCWC)のメンバー(つまり私の友人達ね ^_^)が作ります。お運びは日本語学の大学生と高校生がお手伝い。着物のオークションはなんとJCWCの一人のご親戚の方からのどかっと寄付していただいたものを元に開催します。これもまたまた感謝です。楽しみ楽しみ。
Artist’s Lecture II
Thursday, November 13
5:00 – 6:00 pm
Humanities Center
A Child’s Eye: The meaning of bodies as seen through the pictorial world of children
by Koichi Watanabe, Artist & Associate Professor
Department of Education, Fukushima University, Japan
Professor Watanabe is recognized internationally as an artist, art educator and scholar. His works have been shown worldwide, including a current performance art show entitled “Life Casting” that features 102 year old Butoh Dancer, Kazuo Ohno. Watanabe works to “re-examine the meaning of “art” by comparing the theme of “body” in “Performance Art” with “Life Casting” in contemporary art.
Far East Fusion! Art of Food and Fashion II
(Sushi Demo & Contest of Sushi as Art)
Friday, November 14, 2008
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Humanities Center
Advance tickets: $10 / Students $5
Part two of this signature event will feature sushi demonstrations and sushi tastings, and a sushi as art exhibit and competition. All proceeds will benefit for Japan Chico Women’s Club and Art Education program of Dept. of Art & Art History at Chico State.
食文化の日米フュージョンの第二弾。なんと寿司コンテストの開催。といっても寿司作りのコンテストではなく、お寿司のディスプレーコンテストといった方が正確かな。作るのはカリフォルニアロールのみ、それを四季をテーマにいかにうまく魅力的にディスプレーするかというもの。これはこの数年美術教育のカリキュラムの一つ「Food as Art (アートする食)」をテーマに学生達にやらせて成功したもので、これをコンテストとして地域ベースに展開することに。優勝者にはチコの日本レストランでの$100のディナー券が当たるとなって、みなモチベーションが高くなって大はりきり。
More information and Sushi as Art entry forms are available through the CSU, Chico Art Department or by emailing Dr. Masami Toku at
(Wagashi & Tea Ceremony & Kimono Auction)
Friday, October 17, 2008
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Humanities Center
Advance tickets: $10 / Students $5
Part one of a two-part event will include formal kimono & tea ceremony. Fine Japanese traditional kimono & accessories will also be auctioned, all as a benefit for Japan Chico Women’s Club and Art Education at Chico State.
私の展示会開催時のポリシーは関連イベントの充実。実は展示会そのものとは直接関係ないのですが、日本の大衆文化(食&着)とアメリカのフュージョン(融合)という名目で盛りだくさん。まず第一弾、お茶会と着物のオークションを開催。米国でお茶会というと、典型的な日本紹介パターン「またか〜」と思われる人も多いでしょうが。ちっちっちっ、これは少し違います(^_^)! 大学学部同士のコラボの形で、お茶碗は美術教育、お茶菓子は食品栄養学の学生とJapan Chico Women' Club (JCWC)のメンバー(つまり私の友人達ね ^_^)が作ります。お運びは日本語学の大学生と高校生がお手伝い。着物のオークションはなんとJCWCの一人のご親戚の方からのどかっと寄付していただいたものを元に開催します。これもまたまた感謝です。楽しみ楽しみ。
Artist’s Lecture II
Thursday, November 13
5:00 – 6:00 pm
Humanities Center

by Koichi Watanabe, Artist & Associate Professor
Department of Education, Fukushima University, Japan
Professor Watanabe is recognized internationally as an artist, art educator and scholar. His works have been shown worldwide, including a current performance art show entitled “Life Casting” that features 102 year old Butoh Dancer, Kazuo Ohno. Watanabe works to “re-examine the meaning of “art” by comparing the theme of “body” in “Performance Art” with “Life Casting” in contemporary art.
Far East Fusion! Art of Food and Fashion II
(Sushi Demo & Contest of Sushi as Art)
Friday, November 14, 2008
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Humanities Center
Advance tickets: $10 / Students $5
Part two of this signature event will feature sushi demonstrations and sushi tastings, and a sushi as art exhibit and competition. All proceeds will benefit for Japan Chico Women’s Club and Art Education program of Dept. of Art & Art History at Chico State.
食文化の日米フュージョンの第二弾。なんと寿司コンテストの開催。といっても寿司作りのコンテストではなく、お寿司のディスプレーコンテストといった方が正確かな。作るのはカリフォルニアロールのみ、それを四季をテーマにいかにうまく魅力的にディスプレーするかというもの。これはこの数年美術教育のカリキュラムの一つ「Food as Art (アートする食)」をテーマに学生達にやらせて成功したもので、これをコンテストとして地域ベースに展開することに。優勝者にはチコの日本レストランでの$100のディナー券が当たるとなって、みなモチベーションが高くなって大はりきり。
More information and Sushi as Art entry forms are available through the CSU, Chico Art Department or by emailing Dr. Masami Toku at
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