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Monday, February 2, 2009

Introduction to the Visual Thinking Strategies (1997)

*今日本の美術教育界では対話型鑑賞教育というのが話題になっているらしい。内容を聞いたりサイトを確認してつなげてみると、ニューヨーク近代美術館で美術教育主任として活躍していたヤノワイン氏が20年程前にはじめたVTS (Visual Thinking Strategy:視覚思考方法) プログラムと酷似している。

下記のインタビューは10年以上も前、そのヤノワイン氏が私の母校、イリノイ大学(アーバナ&シャンペーン校)に講師として、そのVTSの普及のため、大学美術館であるKranaert Museum (クラナート美術館:イリノイ州でシカゴにある シカゴ美術館の次に大きい、イリノイ第二の美術館)に入らしていたときのもの。ヤノワインを招聘した美術教育主任のリンダ デユークとの対話を私が翻訳したもの。(ちなみにその時私はまだ大学院の学生で、彼について一学期間、VTSのことを、勉強させてもらいました。その時VTSの効果について、統計処理をして分析した論文を彼に提出しました。労作だったのだけど、ちゃんと読んでくれたのかなあ???)


そして日本では、ヤノワインのVTSの理論的根拠になったアビゲル ハウセンさんの美意識理論のことはあまり紹介されてなくて、対話型鑑賞方法としてその方法論だけが流れているのが気になる。私が思うにこれは「鑑賞」というよりは「 Literacy (読み書き能力並びに他の意見を聞く能力)」を高めるのに役立つというのがそもそものうたい文句だったはず。

思うに日本でこの方法論を採用するにあたって、なぜアメリカでこのVTSが生まれたのかをまず知る必要があるのではないか?それを理解しているのかどうかで、日本での普及の意味もかなり異なってくるはずである。米国において、VTSスタートの理由の一つは、現在でも米国で主流の(鑑賞)分析方法である、Elements of Arts (芸術の構成要素)や Principle of Design(デザイン理論)の用語を駆使しての鑑賞方法に異を唱えたのが始まりである。この話しは長くなるのでまた次の機会で、、、下記10年も前の翻訳なので、ちょっとと思うところはありますが、そのまま掲載しました。


Philip Yenawine & Linda Duke

速記:ジョンオール/翻訳:徳 雅美


Linda: It's not based on an expert coming in, it's not based on any kind of access to fancy resources. It is something that can be done in any school.


Narration: The Visual Thinking Strategy curriculum provided a context for elementary school classroom teachers to help students find meaning in works of art. Art becomes the topic of facilitated discussions which stimulate thinking and the development of communication skills. This program is based on the research of psychologist Abigail Housen.


Philip: VTS (Visual Thinking Strategy) is really designed to reintegrate art into people's lives as it always has been through all of history. It teaches a process, a process of making discoveries on your own by using your observations and your capacity to draw on your memories, your associations, your experiences with the world to find certain kinds of meaning.


Linda: One of the things that VTS does very well is to convey the idea that art makes us think, that it's about human experience.


Philip: We don't teach thinking really, very often, we teach at right answers. We teach information and skills. And there's a skill involved in this in terms of careful thinking. But careful thinking is a matter of speculating and occasionally being wrong. There's not a great thinker in the world who hasn't had a bad idea. But that's the way we grow.


Linda: It is the nature of art that many different perspectives, points of view can be equally valid and the more of those that are shared and brought together by the group, the more in depth their understanding of the work.


Philip: There are a number of elements in the strategy that make it work. One area is asking good questions.


Linda: "What's going on in this picture?" is a very non-directive opening question, opens the floor for a wide range of responses.


Philip: We don't ask them why, we ask them "what do you see that makes you say that?" because that keeps them rooted in the picture and the world we share, it makes them give concrete evidence of the thought that they've had and is a much less threatening question than "Why do you think that?"


Another very important aspect of managing the discussion has to do with linking answers. Hearing a variety of disparate points that one says, "Ah, we see a lot of different possibilities here," or at another time we say, "We seem to be agreeing about certain kinds of things," and pointing that out.


Philip: The attempt is to not judge an answer as silly, not judge it as irrelevant, not say a question is a bad one but to say, "everything is legitimate."


Linda: In some cases, I think children don't feel that they're bringing a lot to the table that's valued by adults. But VTS is very much about the wonder of what people can bring to a conversation with careful looking and thinking and sharing ideas.


Philip: Being able to tell stories is probably being able to participate in one of humankind's oldest traditions. It's probably very important to get kids to find their own stories in the world around them and to tell their own stories to help them understand themselves. But if we ask them using a work of art as a starting, place quite often we have something concrete that makes it so that they don't just have to invent, but that they anchor their stories somewhere in a real world, a world that we all can share.


Linda: The basic strategies are so simple. They can be learned quite easily, so that if a teacher doesn't happen to have a background in art, he or she quickly discovers that that needn't hold them back at all.


Philip: What Housen's search has revealed is the richness of people's thinking when they are trying to find meaning in work of art.


Housen's theory is the basis for most of our decision making. She began a process 20 years ago that involves looking very closely at what people do when they look at works of art. This is what gives us the information we need to create teaching structures.


Art is very useful because it is concrete. It sits in front of you and there is data to pick apart. So what they learn is not only about a work of art, but very much about themselves and about each other and about a process of coming to meaning together collectively.


Linda: We hear teachers very often noting that students will look longer at visual materials, whether it's a petrie dish or a slide or a diagram or a photograph in their social studies look ....


Philip: In normal classroom discussions, there's a pretty predictable 25 % maybe 40% during some discussions, who participate. What we find typical in VTS discussions is that more like 90% do. And not talking about every slide, but over the course of even two or three slides, most kids have their hands in the air; most want to contribute.


Linda: So I often hear teachers saying, "I am so proud of my kids, I had no idea that so and so had ideas like this." It's just really beautiful to see this unfolding.


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